Friday, November 11, 2011

Message From Jim

Almost verbatim:

I want to see my friends. I don't want them to think that I don't want them to visit. But mostly I want people to sit and hold my hand and listen to my music. I want people to know that I will initiate conversation when I have the energy.


  1. Jim - I wish I could make it out there! Would love to hear your music and talk about the old days! Stay strong my friend.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that he's still able to enjoy his music! He is in my family's hearts and prayers. Such a good man!

  3. Jim - I too wish I could sit and listen for a while since I know that your music is all the same stuff I am sitting here listening to right now ... xxox

  4. Just found out what happened. I can't believe it, Jim! Thinking of all the great times we had in college together. That was so long ago, I know, but seems just like yesterday. Keep fighting man! You are in my thoughts and prayers!

    I love you!

